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College Park High School Seniors Celebrate Last Walk

Class of 2024 bids farewell to high school

The Woodlands, Texas – Friday, May 17, 2024, 3:00 PM

By The Woodlands Student Center Staff

Seniors' Last Walk at College Park High School marked the final release of the Class of 2024 from school on Friday.

The Seniors' Last Walk is a cherished tradition where seniors walk the main hall of College Park High School as a group, greeted by cheers from underclassmen and faculty. Principal Dr. Mark Murrell, leading the class out of the school arm in arm with the class president and members of the student council, gave each departing student a fist bump as they exited the door for the final time.

As the seniors walked through the halls, they were cheered on by underclassmen from the first-floor level and the terrace lining the main hallway above. Sections of the walk included a halfway point where administrators from the front office greeted and cheered on the students. Another section featured Cavalier Kids, pre-K students who enthusiastically cheered on the seniors.

Seniors walk the main hall to the cheers of underclassmen and faculty.

New to the tradition this year was the addition of Coaches' Corner, where most athletic coaches gathered for a special acknowledgment of the student-athletes.

Upon exiting the school, the seniors were met by hundreds of cheering parents, celebrating this significant milestone. The parents, armed with signs, balloons, and flowers, created a festive atmosphere that highlighted the importance of the day. The tradition not only symbolizes the end of their high school journey but also serves as a rite of passage, marking the beginning of their next chapter in life.

The Seniors' Last Walk is a memorable tradition that honors the accomplishments of the graduating class and provides a fitting send-off as they prepare to embark on new adventures.



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